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This page lists News at CodeNews items posted between January 1 - December 31, 2021.

Archived 2021 News at CodeNews

2012 Building Code
The Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing issued Ontario CodeNews e-bulletin #320, dated December 29, 2021, to announce the following revised Building Code related fees for registrations for building practitioners regulated under the Building Code Act, 1992, effective on January 1, 2022:
  • $120 fee for initial registration or reinstatement or annual renewal of registrations for: 
    • building officials 
    • on-site sewage system installers 
    • other designers
  • $189 fee for initial registration or reinstatement of registrations for designers or design firms
  • $142 fee for annual renewal of registrations for designers or design firms
  • $41 fee for updating class of registrations for designers or design firms
  • $452 fee for initial registration or reinstatement of registrations for registered code agencies 
  • $333 fee for annual renewal of registrations for registered code agencies
  • $77 fee for updating class of registrations for registered code agencies
  • $198 application fee to the Building Code Commission
  • $11,000 application fee to the Building Materials Evaluation Commission (no change from previous year)
  • $651 application fee for a Minister's Ruling pursuant to Article of Div. C of the Ontario Building Code
2019 Energy Code
Paul Chang, Provincial Building Administrator, Alberta Municipal Affairs, has issued the following STANDATA Interpretation:
The purpose of this Interpretation is to assist in identifying certain types and uses of oil and gas industry buildings that shelter processing equipment which have been determined to be exempt under the National Building Code-2019 Alberta Edition (NBC(AE)) Section 9.36 or the National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings 2017 (NECB 2017).
2020 National Building Code
2020 National Fire Code
2020 National Plumbing Code
2020 National Energy Code for Buildings.
Thomas Ferguson, Director, Research and Development, Built Environment Regulations and Specifications, National Research Council Canada has advised that the 2020 editions of the National Building Code of Canada, the National Fire Code of Canada, the National Plumbing Code of Canada, and the National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings are expected to be published in the first quarter of 2022.
Provinces and territories have been provided with advance copies of the changes to the national model codes so that they may prepare for adoption and enforcement of new provisions, as applicable, through their building regulations.
Many thanks to Joe Rogers P.Eng, Building Code Coordinator, NS Office of the Fire Marshal, Department of Municipal Affairs, for providing this information.
2019 Building Code
CSA B149.1 - Natural Gas and Propane Installation Code
Alberta Municipal Affairs and the Alberta Safety Codes Council have published the following Bulletin:
The purpose of the Bulletin is to explain the minimum code requirements to ensure safe and effective venting of gas-fired appliances.
Electricity Act, 1998
2021 Electrical Safety Code, 28th Edition
The Ontario Electrical Safety Authority's website has announced that Ontario Regulation 771/21 was filed on November 17, 2021 to revoke Ontario Regulation 164/99  and to adopt a new Electrical Safety Code.
Ontario's new 2021 Electrical Safety Code consists of the CSA Canadian Electrical Code Part I, C22.1:21, as amended by the Ontario Electrical Safety Authority's “Ontario Amendments to the Canadian Electrical Code Part 1, C22.1”, dated September 9, 2021.

The new 2021 Ontario Electrical Safety Code (28th Edition) comes into force on May 5, 2022.

Unlike the Canadian federal and provincial Building and Plumbing Codes, the 2021 Electrical Safety Code is not free.

The electronic .PDF version of the Code is now available from the CSA Group's on-line store.
The paper format will be available late January 2022.

In order to find out what the law is concerning electrical issues in Ontario, you will have to pay:
  • $199 + HST for the PDF copy or
  • $223 +HST for the paper copy.
2021 Alberta Private Sewage Systems Standard of Practice
Alberta Municipal Affairs advised on November 25, 2021, that that the following Private Sewage Notice is available:
The Alberta Safety Codes Council recently published the 2021 Alberta Private Sewage Systems Standard of
, which was adopted in Alberta's Private Sewage Systems Disposal Regulation.
The 2015 version of the of the Alberta Private Sewage Systems Standard of Practice will continue to remain in-force until October 31, 2022 and applies to permit applications received up to October 31, 2022.
Permit applications received on or after November 1, 2022 must meet the requirements for the new version in regards to sewage system design and installation.
Congratulations to the Province of Alberta for providing adequate time for everyone to prepare for the new 2021 edition before it comes into effect on November 1, 2022 ....!
2019 Building Code
2018 Canadian Electrical Code
Building Code Interpretation
Electrical Code Interpretation
Alberta Municipal Affairs advised on November 25, 2021, that that the following joint Building Code & Electrical Code STANDATA Interpretation is now available:
The purpose of this Interpretation is to clarify: the requirements for installing, altering, or adding to lightning protection systems.
2018 Building Code
2019 Vancouver Building By-law
On November 25, 2021, Jun‘ichi Jensen, Acting Executive Director of the British Columbia Building and Safety Standards Branch advised that a new edition of the Guide to the Letters of Assurance in the BC Building Code 2018 and Vancouver Building By-law 2019 has been published. It has been updated with references to the BC Building Code 2018 and the Vancouver Building By-law 2019.
The Guide contains:
  • Updated information regarding the roles, responsibilities, and activities of key participants in the building regulatory system
  • New flow charts and internal links for better navigability on digital displays
  • Information related to the new Professional Governance Act
  • References to practice guidelines published by the Architectural Institute of BC and Engineers and Geoscientists BC
2019 Vancouver Building By-law
On November 4, 2021, BC Publications announced that the revised 2019 Vancouver Building By-law (Book I), including the consolided amendments effective as of June 1, 2021, has now been published on the BC Publications web site (select "Vancouver Building By-law 2019").
For users of the binder version of the By-law, the revised pages may be downloaded for printing.
2018 Building Code
Dan Coulter, British Columbia Parliamentary Secretary for Accessibility, announced on October 28, 2021 that the British Columbia Attorney General and Minister Responsible for Housing and the Parliamentary Secretary for Accessibility are working to update the BC Building Code to make new buildings more accessible.

An on-line survey is being conducted from October 28, 2021 to December 9, 2021 to obtain feedback about barriers and priorities to enhance accessibility requirements in new buildings.  Feedback will be accepted until 4pm on December 9, 2021.

Background information about the BC Building Code has been posted to help you fill out the survey.
2019 Building Code
2019 Alberta Fire Code
Building Code Interpretation
Fire Code Interpretation
Alberta Municipal Affairs advised on October 21, 2021, that that the following joint Building Code & Fire Code STANDATA Interpretation is now available:
The purpose of this Interpretation is to clarify:
  • the applicable requirements of the National Fire Code-2019 Alberta Edition  and the National Building Code-2019 Alberta Edition for fixed fire suppression and exhaust systems for commercial cooking
  • the training requirements for kitchen exhaust cleaning personnel within the Province of Alberta.
2012 Building Code
Public Consultation
The Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing issued Ontario CodeNews e-bulletin #318, dated October 20, 2021, to announce public consultations on proposed changes for the next edition of  the Ontario Building Code (OBC).   The consultations will consist of two phases:
  • Fall 2021 Consultation
The code amendment proposals in the Fall 2021 Consultation consist of:
  • Existing technical variations between Ontario’s Building Code and the National Construction Codes
  • Ontario-only changes
  • Low-impact existing technical variations
The proposed changes will be discussed during focused engagement sessions with selected stakeholders starting in November, 2021.
Comments on the proposed changes are due by December 4, 2021.
  • Winter 2022 Consultation
A further consultation is planned in 2022 on changes related to the new 2020 Canadian National Construction Codes and a separate notice requesting feedback will be announced at a later date.

The Proposed Changes for the Next Edition of Ontario's Building Code (Fall Consultation) - Proposal Number 21-MMAH030 was posted on Ontario's Regulatory Registry on October 20, 2021.

The following documents are available for download:
While supports the harmonization of construction regulations, it is important to maintain those Ontario code provisions that give Ontario a competitive advantage in design, manufacturing, and construction.
Let's not cripple our industires by shooting outselves in the foot.
2015 National Plumbing Code of Canada
STANDATA Plumbing Bulletin
Alberta Private Sewage Systems Standard of Practice
STANDATA Private Sewage Bulletin
Alberta Municipal Affairs advised on September 16, 2021, that that the following STANDATA are now available:
The purpose of this bulletin is to inform the plumbing industry of requirements for installations where the sewage from a plumbing system is discharged into a municipal sewage collection system.
The purpose of this bulletin is to provide clarity on the alarm requirement for on-site wastewater treatment systems.
Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing
Building and Development Branch
Ontario's Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing announced to its staff on September 13, 2021 that a new Planning and Growth Division will be created on September 20, 2021 to integrate policy portfolios related to provincial, regional, and municipal land use planning, as well as buildings and construction.
The Planning and Growth Division will consist of:
  • Provincial Land Use Plans Branch
  • Planning Policy Branch
  • Building and Development Branch
Many thanks to Leo Longo of Aird & Berlis LLP for providing this information.
2018 Canadian Electrical Code
STANDATA Electrical Bulletins
STANDATA Electrical Variance
2019 Alberta Building Code
2019 Alberta Fire Code
STANDATA Fire Variance
Alberta Municipal Affairs advised on September 13, 2021, that that the following STANDATA are now available:
2012 Building Code
Public Consultation on "Tiny Homes" and Remote Inspections
The Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing issued Ontario CodeNews e-bulletin #316, dated September 8, 2021, to announce a public consultation on proposed changes to the Ontario Building Code related to building permits and inspections for Tiny Homes and to clarify the requirements for remote inspections.
The announcement was posted on Ontario's Regulatory Registry on September 8, 2021.
Comments are due by October 23, 2021.
Download a discussion paper titled "Discussion Paper – Proposed Changes to the Building Code for Tiny Homes and Remote Inspections - August 2021"
2012 Building Code
Building Code Guides
The Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing issued Ontario CodeNews e-bulletin #315, dated September 7, 2021, to announce that the following three updates guides, that reflect changes to the 2012 Building Code Compendium amended December 16, 2020, are now available:
  • 2020 Code and Guide for Sewage Systems (price: $40.00)
  • 2020 Code and Guide for Plumbing (price: $40.00)
  • 2020 Ontario Code and Construction Guide for Housing (price: $90 for the softcover version)
The Code and Construction Guide for Housing provides relevant information on requirements for house construction and  includes provisions on stairs, guards and handrails that come into effect on January 1, 2022.
All guides are available for purchase at the Publications Ontario web site.
2019 Building Code
Building Code Interpretation
Fire Code Interpretation
Paul Chang, Alberta Municipal Affairs Provincial Building Administrator, has graciously advised that the following joint STANDATA Building/Fire Interpretation is now available:
The purpose of this Interpretation is to clarify the applicable requirements of the National Fire Code-2019 Alberta Edition  and the National Building Code-2019 Alberta Edition for occupancies licensed to provide overnight childcare services.
2012 Building Code
Transit Corridor Lands
The Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing issued Ontario CodeNews e-bulletin #314, dated September 2, 2021, to announce that Order in Council 690/2021, designating the transit corridor lands for the Ontario Line in the City of Toronto, came into force on June 3, 2021.
Properties that fall on, or within 30 meters of, the designated transit corridor lands for this project are subject to certain conditions set out in the Building Transit Faster Act, 2020.  This includes the requirement to obtain a corridor development permit from Metrolinx to build, alter, or place a building or other structure on designated transit corridor lands, in addition to any required municipal permits, licences and/or approvals before work can proceed.
As of June 3, 2021, corridor development permits are applicable law under the Ontario Building Code for any building permit application on, or within 30 metres of, the designated transit corridor lands for the Ontario Line in the City of Toronto.


On December 16, 2020, the Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing made Ontario Regulation 762/20, to amend Ontario’s Building Code to update the list of applicable laws to align with the Building Transit Faster Act, 2020.
On March 12, 2021, the Ontario Ministry of Transportation delegated certain functions, including the administration of corridor development permits, in the Building Transit Faster Act, 2020 to Metrolinx. This delegation of functions was intended to streamline project delivery and support accelerated completion of priority transit projects.

For more information:

La Régie du bâtiment du Québec
On August 26, 2021, the Régie du Building du Québec (RBQ) announced the following new measures to protect the public and enhance quality in the construction industry:
  • Qualification and continuing mandatory training for contractors
As of April 1, 2022, construction supervisors will have to complete a minimum of 16 hours of continuing education every 2 years.  This requirement will affect more than 21,000 companies.
The RBQ is setting up unique, updated, computerized exams, which will allow for accelerated marking, a rigorous validation of skills and the faster issuance of licenses.
  • Increase the number of Inspectors and Inspections
The RBQ plans to increase its presence in the field by hiring almost 130 new staff by 2022. Of these, more than 70% will focus on inspections and investigations.
  • Information for the Public
The RBQ plans to provide more information to consumers to help them make informed choices concerning their contractors. The complaint process will also be revised as well as the protection offered to the public.
Le Bureau de normalisation du Québec
On June 20, 2021, the Bureau de normalisation du Québec (BNQ) announced the publication of the first reference standard for the investigation and rehabilitation of buildings contaminated by dry rot. The Régie du Building du Québec collaborated on the work as a member of the standardization committee.
Dry rot is a fungus that feeds on wood and destroys it. It is a destructive and hard-to-control fungus that frequently attacks houses in Quebec.
Download a free copy of BNQ Standard 3009-610, "Dry Rot Contamination of Dwellings - Investigation and Rehabilitation of the Building" contains information concerning best practices for decontamination work, corrective work and communication with the customer.
This publication is only available in the French language.
Le Bureau de normalisation du Québec
Le Bureau de normalisation du Québec (BNQ) is holding a public consultation on a draft standard, BNQ 3009-500 - "Practices for the Inspection of a Residential Building", which is intended to be a consensus standard to establish and standardize building inspection practices for housing and would be applicable to all categories of residential building in Québec.
The consultation, in the French language, commenced on July 5, 2021 and will end on October 3, 2021.
To comment on the proposed standard, visit the BNQ Consultation web site.
2019 Building Code
Errata to the Building Code
Alberta Municipal Affairs advised on August 3, 2021, that that the following Building Code STANDATA is now available:
The purpose of this STANDATA is to correct an error in section 3.8 of Div. B of the National Building Code-2019 Alberta Edition related to accessible examination and treatment rooms.
National Research Council of Canada
National Guide for Wildland-Urban Interface Fires
The National Research Council of Canada has published the 2021 National Guide for Wildland-Urban Interface Fires.
The Guide is intended to mitigate the growing risk of damage and loss due to Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) fires by improving the resilience of buildings, infrastructure and communities to wildfire.
This 162 page Guide provides support for diminishing the risk in the WUI areas of Canada and includes information on:
•    hazard and exposure assessment
•    vegetation management and construction measures
•    community planning and resources
•    emergency planning and outreach
The Guide is a comprehensive resource for anyone working towards minimizing the impact of WUI fires on buildings, infrastructure and communities and improving their resilience, including local governments and authorities, planners, emergency managers, developers, insurers, and property owners.
2019 Vancouver Plumbing By-law
Revision 2
The revised sections of the 2019 Vancouver Plumbing By-law (Book II), effective as of June 1, 2021 have now been published on the BC Publications website.
The consolidated edition of the 2019 Vancouver Plumbing By-law (including Revision 2) is posted here.
A “Point in time” folder has been created which allows you to view the content as it read prior to June 1, 2021. The “Point in time” folders are accessible within each Part (if applicable).
Amendments to the 2019 Vancouver Building By-law (Book I) effective as of June 1, 2021 will be published later this year.
Also, the Chief Building Official of Vancouver had advised earlier, on June 1, 2021, that Section D-2.11. in Appendix D of the January 1, 2021 consolidation of the Vancouver Building By-law amendments was not correctly updated along with the rest of the online Building By-law amendments. This omission has now been corrected, and consolidated text matching the enactment of Building By-law #12715 has now included removing the discrepancy between this and other versions.
Canadian Free Trade Agreement
Joe Rogers P.Eng, Building Code Coordinator, NS Office of the Fire Marshal, Department of Municipal Affairs, has kindly advised that the Regulatory Reconciliation and Cooperation Table (RCT) established under the Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA) has published the full text of the Reconciliation Agreement on Construction Codes that was signed by all federal, territorial, and provincial governments.
The Agreement is intended to:
  • Reduce or eliminate differences and variations in the technical provision of construction codes in Canada;
  • Ensure timely adoption of construction codes;
  • Transform the national code development system to meet the needs of all parties;
  • Provide freely available national and construction codes.
2019 Building Code
Building Code Variance
Alberta Municipal Affairs advised on May 31, 2021, that that the following Building Code Variance is now available:
The purpose of this variance is to allow the use of Structural Insulated Panels in buildings constructed under Part 9 of the National Building Code – 2019 Alberta Edition.
2017 National Energy Code for Buildings.
Codes Canada announced on May 21, 2021 that Natural Resources Canada, the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) and CSA Group have worked together to develop training courses to help users apply the National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings (NECB) 2017 (as well as videos) targeted to contractors, designers and building officials.
The following NECB 2017 on-line training courses are self-paced and interactive:
The following training videos explain the full and abridged compliance checklists for the NECB 2015/2017:
While the full checklist can be used for any project, the abridged checklist can only be used for projects following the prescriptive compliance path. The Designer Perspective videos explain how to complete the checklists. The Enforcement Perspective videos, which are targeted to building officials, explain how to review the checklists.
These training materials complement the NECB 2017, which is available in print format in the NRC Virtual Store, and in free electronic format from the NRC Publications Archive.
2019 Building Code
Building Code Variance
Alberta Municipal Affairs advised on May 18, 2021, that that the following Building Code Variance is now available:
This variance covers the use of steel rung-type ladders or “ship’s ladders” / “fixed industrial stairs” as an alternative for interior stairways for accessing rooftop HVAC equipment.
Alberta Private Sewage Systems SOP
On May 12, 2021, Alberta Municipal Affairs announced the availability of the following guidance document:
Temporary Onsite Wastewater Treatment System at Work Camps: Guidance Document
Due to the temporary nature of work camps, it is difficult to apply the Alberta Private Sewage Systems Standard of Practice (SOP) to this industry.  Alberta Municipal Affairs has developed this guidance document to clarify existing and new requirements for sewage treatment and disposal systems in the work camp industry. This guidance document applies to daily sewage effluent volumes of less than 25 m3 (5500 Imperial gallons). Greater effluent volumes (more than 25 m3) are under the jurisdiction of Alberta Environment and Parks. The guidance document applies to existing work camp variance holders, new variance applications, and management plans. These guidelines ensure consistent requirements are maintained and enforced throughout the work camp industry.
2019 Vancouver Building and Plumbing By-laws
On May 6, 2021, BC Publications announced that the consolidation of amendments to the 2019 Vancouver Building By-law (Book I and Book II) effective as of January 1, 2021 has now been published onlinein its Public Library.
A “Point in time” folder has been created which allows viewing the content as it read prior to January 1, 2021. The “Point in time” folders are accessible within each Part if applicable.
For users of the binder versions of the By-laws, the revised sections of the By-laws may be downloaded from:
Gaseous Fuels Code Adoption Document
Propane Code Adoption Document
Oil and GasPipelineSystems CodeAdoption Document
Zenon Fraczkowski, P.Eng, Manager of Fuels Engineering, Program Administration, Technical Standards & Safety Authority advised on April 28, 2021 that the TSSA Director has amended the Gaseous Fuels Code Adoption Document (CAD).  CAD FS-255-21 was published on March 1, 2021 and becomes effective on May 1, 2021.  This CAD amendment supersedes CAD FS-225-17 (dated April 10, 2017).  However CAD FS-225-17 will continue to apply until May 1, 2021.

Significant changes made by this new CAD amendment include:
  • Adoption of the B149.1-20 Natural gas and propane installation code (with Ontario amendments) including the addition of:
  •     Annex O “Field Approval of Special Effects”;
  •     Annex P “Installation of piping or tubing in rocky areas”:
  •     Annex Q“Mandatory Safety Checks for Residential (one or two family dwelling) Natural Draft Boilers Equipped with a Draft Control Device 300,000 Btuh or less”:
  •     Annex R “Existing B-Vent (not certified for exterior applications) which has been installed outdoors”:
  •     Annex S “Mobile Food Service Equipment”.
  • Adoption of TSSA Field Approval Code TSSA-FA-2020 (which adopts B149.3-20)
  • Adoption of TSSA Digester, Landfill & Biogas Code TSSA-DLB-2020 (which adopts B149.6-20)
  • Adoption of TSSA High Pressure piping Code TSSA-HPP-2020
  • Adoption of TSSA Field Approval Code for Mobile Food Service Equipment”, TSSA-MFSE-2020
An amendment to the Propane Code Adoption Document was published on December 8, 2020 and came into effect on February 8, 2021.
The major changes implemented in CAD FS-254-20 were:
  • Adoption of B149.2-20 for propane storage and handling requirements
  • Adoption of, B149.5-20 for propane vehicle conversion requirements
  • Adoption of B149.1-20 for appliances and equipment on highway vehicles, mobile units, etc. when propane is used for fuel purposes
  • Adoption of TSSA-FA-2020 -Field Approval Code for appliances on those units that are not approved
  • Adoption of Mobile Food Service Equipment Code for appliances on those units that are not approved
An amendment to the Oil and Gas Pipeline Systems Code Adoption Document was published on December 8, 2020 and came into effect on February 8, 2021.  A major change implemented in CAD FS-253-20 was the adoption of a new edition of CSA Z662-19 Oil and gas pipeline systems, as well as minor editorial changes.
2019 Building Code
Building Code Interpretation
Building Code Variance
Building Code Bulletin
Alberta Municipal Affairs advised on April 13, 2021, that the following 3 Building Code STANDATA are now available:
The purpose of this interpretation is to provide clarification when manufactured engineered components need not be designed by a registered engineering professional.
The purpose of this variance is to recognize the acceptability of CSA A277 certification in place of the Alberta labeling program for relocatable industrial camp buildings.
The purpose of this bulletin is to provide guidance on when a building permit is required.
Construction Code
Chapter I.1 – Energy Efficiency of Buildings, and National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings 2015 (amended)
Codes Canada Publication Sales has announced that, as of March 22, 2021, the Quebec Construction Code, Chapter I.1 – Energy Efficiency of Buildings, and National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings 2015 (amended) is available now in print format and free electronic format through the NRC Virtual Store.

This new document is published by the National Research Council of Canada on behalf of the Régie du bâtiment du Québec.

The document sets out technical requirements for the energy efficient design and construction of new buildings, additions, and public swimming pools in Quebec. These requirements are expected to improve the overall energy performance of buildings by 27.9%, on average, relative to the existing energy efficiency requirements in effect in Quebec since 1983.

The document contains both new Chapter I.1, Energy Efficiency of Buildings, of the Quebec Construction Code and an amended National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings 2015 clearly indicating the changes adopted by the province of Quebec. With its reader-friendly format, this document is an indispensable tool for building designers, energy consultants and subcontractors, construction professionals, and regulatory officials in Quebec.
National Building Code
National Fire Code
National Plumbing Code
National Energy Code for Buildings.
Paul Chang, Alberta Municipal Affairs Provincial Building Administrator, has graciously advised that the Canadian model national codes are now available for direct download.  In other words, one is no longer required to set up an account and log in to view a document.
Recent model national codes available for direct download include:
Other code documents may be found by searching the NRC Publications Archive.
2019 Building Code
Alberta Municipal Affairs advised on April 7, 2021, that its Building Codes and Standards Web Page has been updated to provide direct references to its Building Codes, Standards, Guidelines and Forms.
The following Codes are listed:

Codes Currently In Force in Alberta:
Historical Alberta Building Codes
Historical National Energy Codes for Buildings (NECB)
General Regulation –
Building Code Administration Act
Barrier-FreeDesign Building Code  Regulation –
Building Code Administration Act
The Province of News Brunswick filed Regulation 2021-2 under the Building Code Administration Act to amend
the General Regulation – Building Code Administration Act on January 28, 2021.  This regulation adopts the following National Codes of Canada in New Brunswick:
  • National Building Code of Canada 2015
  • National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings 2011
Also, Regulation 2021-3 was filed under the Building Code Administration Act to amend the Barrier-FreeDesign Building Code  Regulation – uilding Code Administration Act on January 28, 2021.

Both regulations came into force on February 1, 2021. thanks:
Dana Scherf, P.Eng.,
Director, Code and Life Safety,
Principal; Senior Code Consultant
Morrison Hershfield

for alerting us to this news.
Construction Code
Chapter III, Plumbing
A regulation (Décret 65-2021) amending Chapter III, Plumbing, of the Construction Code (Chapter B-1.1, r. 2) was published in the Gazette officielle du Québec, on February 10, 2021, to incorporate the 2015 National Plumbing Code - Canada, along with modifications to adapt it to the specific needs of Québec. It also retains several Québec modifications made in previous editions.
The main changes introduced by this regulation are:
  • more stringent and comprehensive requirements for potable water conservation
  • new articles to address the use of stainless steel piping
  • a ban on the installation of piping containing asbestos
  • updating the editions of the referenced standards
  • the introduction of a standard on oil separators, which governs their manufacture and performance in order to restrict oil discharges into sewers (among others, for mechanical maintenance garages)
  • adding additional benchmarks to meet the requirement to sell certified plumbing products
Décret 65-2021 will come into force on March 27, 2021 and includes a six-month transition period, during which either the current 2010 NPC edition or the new 2015 NPC edition may be used.
Ventilation and Transmission of COVID-19 in Schools and Care Facilities
The Québec Ministry of Health and Social Services has published a report on the ventilation and transmission of COVID-19 in schools and in care facilities.
This 38 page report was prepared by a group of scientific and technical experts along with the Régie du bâtiment du Québec and made 19 recommendations.
2019 Building Code
Application for Barrier-Free Relaxation
Alberta Municipal Affairs advised on February 4, 2021, that the Application for Barrier Free Relaxation form has been updated.
View the latest version of the form on the Alberta Municipal Affairs website, where you can download a .pdf version of the Application for Barrier-Free Relaxation or you can submit the application electronically.
Gas  Code  Regulation
STANDATA Gas Code Variance
STANDATA Gas Safety Information Bulletin
Alberta Municipal Affairs advised on February 2, 2021, that, Sidney Manning, the Provincial Gas Administrator had authorized the issuance of the following STANDATA variance:
Sidney Manning, the Provincial Gas Administrator has authorized the issuance of the following STANDATA Gas Safety Information Bulletins:
Gas  Code  Regulation
Alberta Municipal Affairs advised on February 2, 2021, that the following gas codes adopted under the Gas Code Regulation (AR 111/2010) came into effect on February 1, 2021 under the Safety Codes Act:
  • CSA-B149.1-20 - Natural Gas and Propane Installation Code – This code provides the minimum requirements for the installation of natural gas and propane appliances and equipment downstream of a natural gas meter or from a propane distributor’s tank.
  • CSA-B149.2-20 – Propane Storage and Handling Code – This provides the minimum requirements for the storage, handling, transportation and transfer of propane.
  • CSA-B149.3-20 – Code for the field approval of fuel-related components on appliances and equipment – This code applies to the requirements for site specific fuel burning appliances and equipment for which there is no recognized Canadian standard.
  • CSA-B149.5-20 – Installation Code for Propane Fuel Systems and Tanks on Highway Vehicles – This code applies to the installation of propane fuel system components and tanks on highway vehicles for the provision of motive power.
  • CSA-B108-18 – NGV Refuelling Stations Installation Code – This code applies to natural gas fuelling stations that may be used for fleet and public dispensing operations.
  • CSA-B109-17 – Natural Gas for Vehicles Installation Code – This code applies to the installation, servicing, and repair of natural gas fuel systems on highway vehicles for the provision of motive power.
Further details are published in the Notice - Gas codes in force under the new regulation

The following additional Gas Code Notices were issued:
Gas  Code  Regulation
Alberta Municipal Affairs advised on January 28, 2021, that certain gas fireplaces manufactured by Canadian Hearth Manufacturing Inc. and Luxor Manufacturing Inc.:
  • Must be immediately removed from operation.
  • Shall not be installed, sold or offered for sale within Alberta.
Download the Notice from the Alberta government website for details.
2019 Building Code
2019 Fire Code
STANDATA Building Code Bulletin
STANDATA Fire Code Interpretation
Alberta Municipal Affairs advised on January 18, 2021, that:
2012 Building Code
Amendment Package #9 (December 16, 2020 update) to The 2012 Building Code Compendium (Publication #: 300411) is now available for free download from the Publications Ontario eCommerce store.

The hardcopy binder insert version of Amendment Package #9  (Publication #: 300410) is expected to be available "around January 25, 2021" at a cost of $40.00, according to Publications Ontario.

Download the 140 page free .pdf copy of Amendment Package #9 from the Publications Ontario eCommerce store.

Amendment Package #9 contains the following amendments to the 2012 Building Code Compendium:
  • O. Reg. 209/20 to address the delivery of Building Code services such as reviewingbuilding permit applications and conducting inspections related to COVID-19 effective May 11, 2020.
  • Building Code Act changes that recognize the Minister’s authority to make regulations described undersection 34 of the Act effective July 21, 2020.
  • O. Reg. 511/20 to add requirements for community benefits charges to the list of applicablelaw effective September 18, 2020.
  • O. Reg. 762/20 to revise the following effective December 16, 2020:
    • the list of applicable law to reference section 3 of the Building Transit Faster Act, 2020 with respect to the issuance of a permit under that section;
    • minor errors and omissions through housekeeping changes;
    • two spent provisions related to the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act.
2019 Building Code
STANDATA Building Code Interpretation
Alberta Municipal Affairs advised on January 7, 2021, that Paul Chang, Provincial Building Administrator, has authorized the issuance of the following STANDATA Building Code Interpretation:
The Province of Alberta’s Barrier-Free Administrator and Provincial Building Administrator are receiving barrier-free relaxation requests that they deem are either not appropriate for relaxation or that lack the required review by the authority having jurisdiction (i.e.  accredited municipality or agency) during the building permit application stage.
This interpretation is intended to clarify when a request for relaxation of barrier-free requirements is appropriate.
2019 Building Code
STANDATA Building Code Bulletin
Alberta Municipal Affairs advised on January 6, 2021, that Paul Chang, Provincial Building Administrator, has authorized the issuance of the following STANDATA Building Code Bulletin:
This bulletin is intended to clarify the application of Division C, Sentences and as it relates to an architect or engineer providing the services of the other.
2012 Building Code
The Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing issued Ontario CodeNews e-bulletin #310, dated January 5, 2021, to announce that the Ontario Building Code was amended on December 16, 2020 [ THREE WEEKS AGO ] by Ontario Regulation 762/20 but decided not to make any announcements until now.
The regulation came into force on December 16, 2020.

According to the Ontario government's e-bulletin:
O. Reg. 762/20 includes a number of housekeeping changes to correct minor errors and omissions.
The housekeeping changes harmonize with the National Building Code (NBC) and in general:
  • Corrects errors in equations and data taken from the NBC,
  • Adds information, such as references and names of organizations, that was omitted,
  • Supports public safety, and
  • Reduces redundancies.
Two spent provisions related to the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act were deleted. These amendments do not add any new technical requirements to the Building Code or change the intended meaning of the provisions.
In addition, updates were made to the applicable law sections to align with the passage of the Building Transit Faster Act, 2020.

O. Reg. 762/20 is the second amendment to the Ontario Building Code made by a Mininster's regulation.  Code amendments prior to O. Reg. 762/20 and O. Reg. 511/20 had been made by the Lieutenant Governor in Council.

O. Reg. 762/20 was:
  • Made on December 16, 2020
  • Filed on December 16, 2020
  • Published on e-Laws on December 17, 2020
  • Printed in The Ontario Gazette on January 2, 2021
  • Announced to code users in the Ontario government's CodeNews e-bulletin #310 on January 5, 2021
In other words, the regulation was in force before anyone, including building officials, knew about it.
If a government wants its citizens to follow the law, it should announce the law as soon as possible BEFORE the law comes into force.
Ontario is quickly becoming a banana republic as far as the rule of law is concerned.

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Last updated on:  14-FEB-2022